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Contact Information

Jennifer Cunningham
Aquatic Science Teacher
Pasadena Memorial High School
4410 Crenshaw Road
Pasadena, Texas 77504
Phone: (713) 740-0390
Fax: (713) 740-4156
jcunningham@pasadenaisd.org jcunningham@sciencerule.com

Strive to Excel

Strive to excel in education is one of the most vital and important parts of life. Education builds up our views on the road to success in life and provides us an outlook on increasing productivity,happiness and personal growth.

Below are some suggestions for students that provide opportunities to excel and bring the highest success in society, in the world and above all in their personal lives.

  • Be early

    Arrive at class early. Find your seat which will allow you to see the board easy. If your seat is not allowing you to see the front of the room, let the teacher know so he/she can help find you a better set. Get your equipment (pens, pencils, notebook etc) out. Quickly review your notes from the last session, and be ready to ask questions if you have any.

  • Greetings

    Smile and greet the teacher. Be friendly with your classmates as they may assist you in an assignment. Have a positive interaction with everyone in the room and it will make you feel more ready to learn as you will be less stress and feel more wanted.

  • Dress and Demeanor

    Research has demonstrated that neat attire and attitude go a long way. When you dress neatly, you feel more prepared. You feel in control of your surroundings and you feel productive.

  • Prepare

    Read the material before the lecture. You will find you will need to take fewer notes and be able to listen more carefully. If you need additional help with your notes or how to focus on concepts in your notes, ask your teacher. He/She will be able to assist you on how to understand your notes. Always put your name, date and period on your assignment so that you will receive a grade for your hard work. Please it on the upper right-hand corner, with multiple pages numbered and stapled, unless instructed otherwise. Bring all your supplies and assignments to class. Be ready to turn them in when instructed to do so from the teacher.

  • Read, Read and Read

    Review the chapter. Study the vocabulary words. Observe the different information on graphs and tables in the chapter. Take each section of the chapter and relate it to your personal life. This will allow you to learn the material at a more personal and global level and provide mental thoughts when discussions occur in class. If you are not sure what a word means, seek out the meaning by looking at the glossary, dictionary or encyclopedia. Look at daily and weekly newspaper and magazine to see how the information you are reading in the chapter is incorporated into life outside the educational class.

  • Write, Write and Write

    Rewrite your notes so you know what they mean. If there are gaps, ask someone who knows. Make flash cards, and create mnemonic devices for terms and concepts. Work on “hooks.”Draw relationship charts. Keep a journal. Connect what you have read to what you are writing to what your personal experience is and it will provide a way to excel in the chapter.

  • Study with Someone Who Cares

    Find people in the class who are really interested in learning. Work with them before, after and between classes. Exchange phone numbers and email addresses so that you can communicate with that person if you have questions. This is your study partner. Get with them when test are approaching. There is nothing wrong with using two heads to figure information out about the chapter.

  • Thing you don’t want to do

    Eating, cleaning out your purse, putting make up on,talking to other students when you should be listening, writing notes to friends or wasting valuable class time. These kinds of activities cause you to become unfocused and confused about the information. Then you become frustrated and become distant.

  • Absences

    Avoid them at all costs. If you have been absent, follow the teacher’s make up policy. Sometimes, teachers want you to discuss the topic with them or they may want you to go to an area that make up work is place. If you are not sure, talk with the teacher. Go to tutoring for additional help.

  • Want to Learn

    When a teacher knows that you are ready to be taught, the classroom environment is a positive place for all learners. If the teacher must stop constantly for behavioral issues, it stops the learning process for all students. If students have questions, ask when you are confused. This does not mean asking any and all questions to get attention. In fact, if you formulate the question and write it down, sometimes it will answer itself, or the teacher will get to it. If not, you can ask it an appropriate time. You can and should write out the answer you receive.